We may have often heard that this world is a free place. Most parts of the world are independent, enjoy their voting rights and have a democracy. People can make their own choices and decisions.

But do we really live in a free world?

Do we really lead a stress free life?

Do we really live in a carefree world?

What is a Carefree World? Is it a world where we do not have any worries or tensions? Or is it a world of happy people? Well, the definition of carefree world would be different for different people. It depends on their choices, on their passions, on their ideologies, on their thinking. For example, for an introvert, a carefree world would be where he would not have to connect much with people while for an outgoing person, it would be a world where he can go out whenever and wherever he wants and meet people all the time.


But does anyone ever get to live in a carefree world? Well, for that let’s travel through the life cycle of a person. The first stage is the birth. When a child is born, he is completely dependent on his parents. He cannot speak, eat or walk. He cannot express his emotions or feelings. For example, he cannot express his pain while going through teething.

As he grows, he starts going to school. He goes through various experiences in the school and gradually as he ascends to higher classes, the burden of his studies grows. He starts to worry about homework, exams, competition, etc.

As soon as he turns into a teenager, hormonal changes start to begin. He starts experiencing new feelings as well as physical changes. Also, soon comes the time to make important career decisions, for example: choosing subjects, preparing for entrance exams, choosing colleges, etc.


Once he enters the college, the next step is to plan for further education or job. After completing the studies, the phase of earning money comes up. Again, there is lots of stress during this course. The person has to settle in his work area, learn the work and perform well. After settling in professionally, a person starts to think about settling on the personal front.


A person goes through a lot of new experiences when another person enters your life. It takes time to understand the other person and it is an important decision to settle down with them. After making the decision, one has to plan a lot of things for his marriage and the life after marriage.


Then comes the stage of family planning which again requires lots of things to consider. When the child is born, he goes through the same above cycle and the parents are always worried about their children.

Hence, if we see above through the human life cycle, we can conclude that at every stage, there is something to be worried about. A person is always tensed about something or the other. Hence, from the moment we are born till the moment we are alive, we are under stress. Then where is the carefree world and who lives in it?


Well, the answer is simple. The carefree world does not exist! Yes, it cannot be found anywhere in the entire universe. It does not exist physically.

Carefree world is a state of mind. It is the state where a person learns to worry less and live more. Some people are naturally gifted with such a state of mind while some people practice throughout to achieve this state. Most of the population lives under stress and never even tries to move towards this state.

It is not easy to reach this state and a very few people have been able to achieve it. However, one can always try to work towards it. We may never reach there completely, but we can still make a difference in our lives. We should constantly work towards improving the quality of our life.

But how to work towards the carefree world? Well, the answer is by taking small steps everyday.

  • Let go off the unnecessary thoughts.
  • Do not try to be a part of everything that is going around.
  • Give time to yourself, to your hobbies, to your passions.
  • Stop bothering about what other people are doing.
  • Think less and think only about what is important.
  • Eliminate negative thoughts and people.


One needs to first discriminate between important and not important things. The ones which are not important should be completely eliminated. One should only focus on activities which are important. Our energy should be preserved for necessary tasks.

Secondly, one should not spend time in getting involved in other people’s issues. Many people have a habit of giving unnecessary advice to other people. Well, everyone can handle their own issues. You do not need to increase your stress levels by getting involved in them. It is better to focus your energy on solving your own problems.

Also, it is important to let go off all the native emotions. People may hurt us and we may feel bad about it. But the fact is we cannot do anything about it. So instead of thinking about it and worrying, it is better to let go of it and again focus our energies on ourselves.

A carefree world is a state of mind where a person is focused more on himself than others. It is a way where we accept the people how they are instead of trying to change them. It is better to forgive people than keep things in our hearts and minds. It is a world where we smile more and worry less. It is a world where love thrives not hatred. It is a world where our minds are CAREFREE!




Written By Arjun Gaur
Founder, Author, &  International  Life Strategist

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