Transform Yourself By 3R Formula

What is the formula of Life Transformation?

As per my 8+ years of life coaching experience, I have found a very fascinating formula that can change your life. This formula is matchlessly unique and crucial for our lives.

Yes, here I am talking about the 3R formula, as I like to call it (Responsive, Responsible, and Reformation).



Are you responsive every second with your ‘self’?

Every morning as soon as we wake up, our mind first responds to our body and induces either lethargy and fatigue that leave us feeling dull or excitement and fieriness that leave us feeling energetic, determined, and focused. These are also the responses your body gives to the thoughts going on in your mind. This forms a kind of circle. Mind and body respond and interact with each other. How we respond to them frames our lifestyles, habits, and routine which, in turn, predict and create our future.

Being responsive to your ‘self’ means being aware of these thoughts and emotions and responding to them in an appropriate manner that is aligned with the output you desire. For instance, your body might be feeling stiff and gaining weight at a rapid pace. If you recognize and acknowledge this and start taking care of your body, eating healthy, and exercising regularly, that would be you being responsive towards your body. 

The way you respond to your body, mind, and spirit can either make your day productive and take you steps forward towards your goal or break it to be completely futile. So your response towards self should be powerful and strong. It should be acknowledged and budding out of awareness. 

Can you say you are responsive towards others?

Responses are extremely important with self but also hold equal importance towards your family, friends, partners, colleagues, and people that you may have any interaction with. Even if you’re a professional, being responsive is an innate quality that keeps you in business and develops a certain trust with your clients, and accelerates your growth.

Are you responsive towards your near and dear ones? Are you responsive to your emails, calls, and text? Does the response you give to qualify for a decent one? 

Responsiveness is truly essential for any loving relationship. It has the power to leave someone hurt or even break the relationship when you don’t respond in the way they hope for when they come to you with something significant, personal or highly emotional. It may make them feel less understood, dismissed, not heard and rejected. Even as parents, we need to be responsive towards our kids so they feel heard and important, as that is what they need at that moment. 

How we respond to people we interact with has the potential to make or break the connection. In being responsive, others know that you care and are listening.



Since childhood, we have heard our elders tell us, “Be responsible.” or “Take accountability for your actions”. So what does it truly mean to be responsible? Being responsible means you are in charge. It means keeping your promises even to yourself and honoring your commitments. Your commitments may be towards your goals and yourself or your loved ones. 

Taking responsibility means accepting the consequences of our actions. Say, for example, you have a very important test and you don’t study for it as it requires, you are going to fail. Now, you either take responsibility that, “Yes, I failed my test because I didn’t work for it.” or you blame the environment, situations and even other people and make excuses for your failure.

When you take responsibility, it initiates a big shift in your mindset; from a victim’s mindset to a winner’s. It makes you realise that you have the power to create the life that you dream of and even achieve the unimaginable. It completely changes your energy towards life and its challenges as well. Taking responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, actions, words and their outcomes will be a complete game-changer for you. Things will start to happen for you instead of to you. Remember, everything in life is a choice when you create this awareness of responsibility within you.

Start taking responsibility for your happiness. It’s liberating; it sets you free. You stop blaming your parents, partners or children for your unhappiness and awaken to the fact that all the happiness that you seek is already within you. You are truly responsible for your self-transformation and growth, successes and failures. It’s all you. It means to own your life and discover your full potential. Once you start taking responsibility for yourself in every area of your life, only then can you be responsible towards others as well. You can then become a responsible citizen and help your country and countrymen. This will give you a sense of purpose and meaning.



Reformation means bringing or making changes to something in order to improve it. That ‘something’ here that we are talking about, is your life. So how can you be reforming your life? Well, the first two steps are the ones we have talked about; being responsive and responsible. Once you are both these things then only can you reform your life by bringing changes into it?

They bring enlightenment to you about what changes you should be making in your life. These can be habits, routine, discipline and consistency. It is said that change your habits, change your life. 

You can even change the way you talk to yourself, eliminate negative self-talk, and it will dramatically impact your confidence, self-esteem, and image of self, in turn, reforming your life.

Question everything around you as well as within you and seek answers for those questions or come up with your own answers. Be present at the moment, live the moment as it is. You then become the observer. Once you start observing your patterns, habits and responses, you can change the narrative. You can change the way you tell your story, even to yourself.  So, actually being reforming is an outcome of you being responsive and responsible and your life is the final result.

As a coach and strategist, I also believe and execute the same formula for myself and my all Coachees life. So let's execute this life-changing formula and make your life more productive and easy. 

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By - Arjun Gaur