Your Powerful search engine is “YOURSELF”

What is the most powerful search engine?

Some of you will say Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Baidu, Ask… but you are the most powerful search engine!

Search engines are online platforms that are programmed to help you find information basis the keywords and phrases that you seek for. In short, search engines can quickly turn around data basis the stored information on millions of websites available online.

We are so busy nowadays that we do not take a second to think about the answers to the information required from any other source than just putting in a few keywords and Bingo! The answers pop up in front of our screen.

And while, we cannot thank enough the technology for helping us in a blink of an eye, it is so sad that we are now getting dependent on these menus. The smart devices around us are making us dull enough to think through solutions ourselves, literally!

Amazingly, we can contribute to this rising issue and realize, there was and has always been a solution that we can find through our own self, and this would just need us to sit back and give ourselves enough time.

We would need to rebuild a connection back with ourselves and this can be achieved in the following steps:

  • Shut your smart devices around: Those devices around distract you from concentrating, and once you put them aside, this will make it easy for getting you and yourself back in the conversation.
  • Relax your present state of mind by simple breathing technique: Take a few deep breaths in and out. Here we consciously try to bring down our stress levels and encourage releasing of hormones like endorphin and serotonin that relax our mind and stabilizes our mood.
  • Set the antennae right: Once a deeper connection is built within, it makes our fast-moving thoughts quiet and giving it a chance to question ourselves and let the answers come out through self-awareness.
  • Fuel your dopamine: Feeling set right taking above steps, will help you boost dopamine hormones too, which help you pump up body functionality, attention, and memory power.

Once you really listen to your inner voice you will find answers to life’s questions from your soul. This will make you a powerful search engine!

So, choose yourself to move from chaos and find your answers within.

Author: Shilpa Singh and Arjun Gaur

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